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Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

The beautiful places in BUKITTINGGI city

Clock Tower (Jam Gadang )

Jam Gadang (Literally translated as Massive Clock) is a clocktower and an icon of Bukittinggi, West Sumatera province. Located in the centre of the city, near the the main market, Pasar Atas, Jam Gadang is a main tourist attraction. Jam Gadang's diameter is 80 centimeters, the base's dimension is 13 metres in length and 4 metres wide, and it stands 26 metres tall. One unique feature of the clock is that it uses the IIII for the number 4 instead of its traditional Roman Number IV. This tall clock was built in 1826 as a present from the Dutch Queen to the city secr...

Japanese hole
Japanese hole Bukittinggi is one of the resorts in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia..
Japanese hole is a tunnel (bunker) protection built around the Japanese occupation forces in 1942 for defense.
Earlier Japan's Hole was built as a storage supplies and equipment of war the Japanese army, with a long tunnel to reach 1400 m and the winding and has a width of about 2 meters. Some entrances to the holes of which Japan is located in canyon areas Sianok, Panorama, in addition to Bung Hatta Palace and in Bukittinggi Zoo.

Up and Down Markets Market Bukittinggi.
Bukittinggi Sikek famous for his clever and extraordinary culinary delicious. At the Market of Bukittinggi ateh or market, you can buy the materials and mukena embroidered with a much cheaper price than in the capital. Mukena and materials are sold vary depending on the price with embroidery and embroidered motifs. As for the culinary, in the back of the market, there are food vendors stengah so that can be used by the - by. Like chips and fish Bilih. Do not forget to stop by the Banana Kapit Union in June of the most typical of this market. Bananas are bananas fuel kapit digeprek then sprinkled with grated coconut mixed with brown sugar. It feels good and fits enjoyed the morning for breakfast. If you come at lunch, then you can stop at Rice Uni Kapau Lis, places to eat that are well known but still maintain it's excellence.

Marga Satwa Park (Fort fort de'Cock) and the Museum of Culture Minang
As usual wildlife park, here we can see the collection of animals, but typical of West Sumatra. Such as deer, tigers and many species of birds. At the end of the zoo have Fort de'Cock a water tower as well as the monitoring if any rebel Dutch heritage Limpapeh connected by bridges. Minang Culture Museum is also located within this Wildlife Park Marga. With the additional entrance fee of Rp 1,000, you can see the history of the Minangkabau, traditional dresses and traditional household equipment. You also can take pictures by using traditional dresses here for Rp 25,000. Not bad, could be recalled - memories, as well as evidence that you ever been to West Sumatra.

Canyon Sianok
It is a steep valley that cleaved by stem Sianok. The view here is very beautiful, making it a favorite tourist attraction by local residents or from outside the area. In addition to a beautiful panorama, in this tourist area there are also holes Japan. A legacy of Japan's cave can be entered. However, when we came cave is still in development stage so not much to see.




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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011


Dalam perjalanan hidup ini ,entah berapa banyak orang yang kita temui setiap harinya. Sebagian besar adalah teman dan beberapa diantaranya merupakan sahabat.

SAHABAT,orang yang tulus menerima kita apa adanya tanpa banyak cela.

Sahabat adalah sebuah ungkapan kerinduan akan sejuta harapan. Membuang jauh-jauh kata perbedaan dan mencoba untuk mengawali segalanya dari kesamaan,bersama melawan ketidak sempurnaan.
Setia menemani di saat orang yang kita sayang telah pergi.

Seperti lirik lagunya ”Padi”:
“Sahabat untuk selamanya
Atasi semua perbedaan
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya… Selamanya setia”

Sahabat adalah orang yang mengerti betul apa yang kita rasakan, baik dikala senang maupun dikala sedih. Mereka akan selalu ada untuk kita. Sahabat juga tidak menilai dari jumlah uang yang kita miliki , tidak menilai seberapa bagus nilai kita di sekolah, atau seberapa tampan dan cantiknya kita.

**Persahabatan yang kekal tidak bisa diganti dengan apapun**

*Friendship isn`t how you forget, but how you forgive
  Not how you listen, but how you understand
  Not how you see, but how you feel
  Not how you let go, but how you hold on *

Sahabat tidak akan pernah putus dan akan selalu ada di saat kita butuh.

*Flower need sunshine,violets need dew,all angels in heaven know I need you pal
  Years may fly, tears may dry,but my friendship with you will never die*

Sahabat adalah orang yang tidak ragu untuk berbagi dengan kita dikala suka maupun duka. Mereka tidak meminta tapi tidak ragu untuk memberi. Sahabat juga merupakan orang yang selalu mendukung kita dan mengingatkan jika kita salah mengambil keputusan.

**Teman memberimu senyuman,tetapi sahabat memberimu kebahagiaan.Teman menceritakan yang tidak benar tentang dirimu,tetapi sahabat akan tutup mulut dengan kesalahanmu.Teman hanya menerima kelebihanmu,tetapi sahabat akan menerima kekuranganmu.Seribu teman akan datang saat kamu tertawa bahagia,tetapi seorang sahabat akan datang saat kamu berurai air mata**.

Sahabat membantu kita menjadi diri sendiri.
*Don`t doubt to be your self !

Sahabatlah  yang mampu mengusap air mata kita dan membersihkanya dengan senyum hangat sambil mendekap dengan erat.

*You can eat and drink together,talk and laugh together,enjoy life together
  But you`re only real friends when you also cried together*

Sahabat tidak hanya minta dimengerti, tetapi sahabat juga dapat mengerti dengan kita

**SAHABAT, mengerti ketika kamu berkata ‘Aku lupa’
Menunggu selamanya ketika kamu berkata ‘Tunggu sebentar’
Tetap tinggal ketika kamu berkata ‘Tinggalkan aku sendiri’
Membuka pintu meski kamu BELUM mengetuk dan berkata ‘Bolehkah saya masuk?’**

Betapa senangnya jika kita mempunyai banyak sahabat.Coba kita renungkan betapa indahnya skenario yg Allah ciptakan .
Walaupun suatu saat nanti kita akan terpisah,
Sahabat akan tetap sahabat. Tidak peduli di mana, kapan, dan bagaimana hubungannya.

“True friends will go to the ends of the earth
Till they find the things you need
Friends hang on through the ups and the downs
Cause they've got someone to believe in” (kutipan “True friends” by Milley Cyrus)

Terkadang banyak orang yang tidak menyadari arti dari sebuah persahabatan.
Dari persahabatan, banyak hal positif yang kita dapat.Di samping hal positif, kita juga akan mudah terpengaruh dengan hal negatif, jadi itu akan kembali pada pribadi sendiri.
Carilah sahabat yang dapat membawa mu ke jalan yang benar !


The rain may be falling hard outside,but your smile makes it all alright,I`m so glad that you`re my friend
I know our friendship will never end


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